Tuesday, 7 November 2017


It's that moment of stunning realisation when you can see exactly how all of the stuff you are going through right now; how you created it.  You had a part in making it a reality. Really think about that for a moment... 

What if, All that has to happen for you to get rid of it is to acknowledge and accept your part.

Can you?

When you are stuck in the middle of all your problems, worry and drama, the last thing you think about is how you created it... You think that surely I didn't cause the stupid traffic jam, my Internet being off, getting that unexpected call, having no money...

If you understand the concept that your focus creates your reality, and that whatever you focus your attention on, you will make real in your world; then that is how you know you created those things. For example, you do something at work and keep on thinking that you are going to get caught out, what happens?  You have a major meeting that you cannot be late for, what happens? You get some money unexpectedly and you think you can finally do something for yourself, what happens?
You are so busy looking for and expecting the bad things to happen that you make them happen! Your focus creates your reality.

Let me explain how this works.  When you go after anything that you would love (to have, be, do) you are going to experience resistance. Resistance is your ego's way of keep you secure within what you know, what is safe and what is believed. It has to protect you and ensure your survival. If you don't know what is going to happen, then how can you know its safe?!
The problem with this is that it keeps you away from what you would love by making you feel afraid, nervous and any other emotion to distract you from making any kind of positive move towards what you want.  You think about things like you cannot have the better things because you don't have money, you can't get the leave, on and on it goes, and you believe the story. What you would love becomes secondary; you create from your ego to prove your story true.